Thursday, August 30, 2007

5 Lucrative Legitimate Home Based Business Tactics To Make a Real Difference

5 Lucrative Legitimate Home Based Business Tactics

Big businesses who have succeeded always have an internal model
they follow to ensure continued growth. After many years coaching
small to medium enterprises having a system to succeed is imperative to

When you look at your own enterprise do you have a plan of attack, a system,
a methodology for growth? If the answer is no, which it is 90% of all small or
home businesses, this may account for the horrible statistic of 80%+ business failure
amongst ALL businesses in the first 5 years.

Here is a master system for any legitimate home based business to follow
to make an amazing difference to your bottom line profits.

Step 1: Create a vision of exactly what you want for 3-5 years and then 1 year from now.

Step 2: Work out the reason why (in writing) you want success. If you can only come up with 5 or less reasons this may inhibit your future growth as your motivation to succeed in this venture is not high.

Alternatively, you should aim to get 10-25 reasons why you want success in your business. Please do not miss this step. This is a great guide to your motivation. The more reasons why you can come up with the more you are likely to succeed in business/

Step 3: Create a specific goal for what you want 1 year and 90 days from now.

Step 4: Now the brilliant formula for those of you seeking growth.

Lead and enquiry generation:

List 3-5 marketing tactics to bring in enquiries to your legitimate home based business.
Example: Online website advertising, direct mail, phone calls to target list etc

Step 5: Conversion from prospect to a customer.
Now once you have an enquiry it is time to convert these people to your product or service.
List down 3-5 tactics to do so.
Example: Follow up every enquiry 100% of the time, create sales brochure to convey the benefits of what your organization does, have a multi step follow up process to educate your customer.

Step 6: Increase the average spend of each customer
List down 3-5 ways your business can increase the spend on average for each customer.
For example, train all sales people to have add-on questions for every product. Give the customer a checklist of all of your services before they make their final buying decision.

Step 7: Once they have purchased you must stay in touch with them over and over again.
This is probably one of the biggest business secrets there is. Stay in touch at least every 90 days but hopefully more frequently and watch your long term rate of repeat customers double and triple. Now many people have heard about this but few small business or home business operators actually implement it long term.

Step 8: Test and measure all the financials paying particular attention to increasing the profit margin and profit and loss. You should know your exact financial position daily.

Now simply put the written data from all of the above into a 9o day plan and spend 3-5 hours per week working on implementing these into your business. Like any legitimate home based business, following a system and having a clear vision for what you want is perhaps the most critical of all business skills.

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