Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How To Set Goals and Achieve What You Want

Here is the best
way to set goals and a vision for your future.

Let me summarize it here.

What is your clearly defined written down vision (ideal) of what you
want for 3-5 years from now?

You should do this in 1 area at a time starting with business,
health, family and relationships, spiritual, financial, intellectual.

But if goal setting is new for you I suggest just you focus only on business goals at first and go from there. List down your 3 top business goals right now for 3-5 years away.


You need to come up with at least 3 things for each area.
Start with business and complete your ideal end point or vision of 3-5 years from now.
BIG TIP: Do not worry now about HOW. Our purpose is to set
what we want - our ideal - our end point and work backwards.

Then do the same for 1 year away.

Then do the same for 90 days away.

Then using a 90 day sheet attached write all of this down and look at it every day. A 90 Day Plan simple lists down the actual activities you will take in the short term to achieve your longer term goal. It usually includes 8-12 key actions to undertake to achieve your goal.


Goal: To Increase the number of new clients in a month from 25 to 40 within 90 days.


1. Commit 3 hours per week every week implementing 1-2 items. Diarize at start of the week.

2. Start implementing direct mail campaign to geograhic area

3. etc

Finally the most important part....
Set these intentions (goals) as being real and achieved daily.
We use a process called
- Idealization
- Verbalization
- Visualization
- Materialization

In our business coaching franchise
company, we think about "intentions" instead. Intentions are the
things we "intend" to make happen, and by that imagining our
intentions as real, bring to bear all the resources and force of
will we have at our disposal.

We set intentions and focus our imagination -- making our
intentions real in our minds. This leads us to specific goals.
Which leads to game plans, which leads to actions. Which in turn
leads to results.

Did you catch that?

Set intentions and imagine them as real.

Which leads to goals.

Which leads to Game Plans

Which leads to Actions

Which leads to Results.

So, What are you going to make happen this year?
What results are you going to produce - for yourself, your
business, your family, your community?

Do you want to double your sales? Increase profits by just as
much? Maybe buy a new house, or a new car, or take a trip around
the world? Will you run a marathon, master downhill snowboarding,
or slim down and bulk up? Or maybe you will change the world, if
only a little bit.

No matter what your intentions are, here are a few questions to

Specifically, what are your intentions for the coming year? Answer
this in detail: how much or how many, and by when? And what will
those intentions look like, when realized?

How are you going to increase your personal power - the velocity
with which you turn your intentions into reality? (This is the real
measure of power, isn't it?)

What resources can you bring to bear to realize your intentions?

What things - if not dealt with - could stand in your way of
reaching your goals?

How are you going to get help?

Answering this last question could mean the difference between
success and failure, and I urge you to think about it seriously.

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