Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Best Affiliate Marketing Ebook To Guide You This Year

If your business is selling affiliate marketing ebooks or information for profit then you may be very happy to hear about a great home business learning opportunity.

I have personally discovered Profit Lance back in May 2007 and several months later the instruction and support I have received have been first class.

Important for me when starting a new home venture are these 3 key factors:

1. A step by step blueprint for succeeding with affiliate marketing or another revenue stream such as AdSense.

2. Lots of simple to follow project and blueprints which are interactive and easy to implement.

3. An effective affiliate marketing ebook guide which I can print out and re-read whenever I choose to.

After spending lots over time on many courses and realizing that many were crappy and not substantial or easy to follow, this Profit Lance course has been a revelation to me. Already I have a home based business making daily amounts which has the potential to rapidly increase.

What if I could show you the quickest way to make from $200 to $1500 per day doing nothing but working at home with your computer - and get you started in less than fifteen minutes from now? Please Go Here For More Information

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Internet Marketing Online Affiliate Program of the Year

I would like to put my vote in for the internet marketing online affiliate program of the year.

What qualifies me to give you this information? Good question.

So here is the answer...

I work as a professional offline business coach but also have passive home based business income sourcess via different niche internet marketing websites. This is an area I love.

My job is to uncover offline and online programs that work for my clients.

In the past 12 months I have bought some 20 programs on making or starting a home based business income. That's a lot of research in anyone's language. I have had some failures (which is essential for all of us in learning what works!!!) but today I want to talk about the most valuable internet makreting online affiliate program of this year. The one that is working for me.

Drum roll please .........................

The winner is:

Profit Lance

The Skills Needed To Make Money Online

This is good news. You do not need to be a computer savvy person to be able to make money online. Because of the nature of some of the money making methods, you do not even need a website, and nor do you even need your own product. This is absolutely great news! Even better is that previous experience is not necessary either.

Beware Of Scams And Be Careful About Where You Take Your Knowledge From

Being scammed, especially in the make money online field, is something most people will have heard of. For the most part, we can say that many companies offer good techniques and strategies for making money, but their products and their presentation of the information is very poor. Coupled with that is the lack of support and help once the purchase is made. Therefore, you have to make sure that you get good solid information, good instruction, and good support. To make real big money is very doable for almost anyone provided they are equipped with the right knowledge, are given good instruction and are dedicated enough to reach their goals.

So if your intention is to get the best possible training possible from a very giving tutor, if your plan is to start a home based business utilizing the easy step by step structure, I have personally found this to be the very best training systems for developing internet marketing online affiliate program revenue.

Programs like The Profit Lance Course have been designed to present the core techniques in a very clear manner, and provide the necessary tools and resources to ensure a person is not left on his or her own. As long as you have a real strong desire to be successful, and you lay down clear goals, with the correct knowledge, you will definitely reach your goals.
This gets my home based business vote for the internet marketing online affiliate program of the year.
Click here to learn more about the Profit Lance Online Course

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How To Be a Great Investor Takes Just One Key Skill

How to be a great investor orientates itself in one core skill. You either do this or you do not. There is no in between.

One of the best pieces of advice you would have heard from your parents and others many times over during your growing up years was “pay yourself first”. Unfortunately, you may not have heeded this advice straight away or at all. For many years I certainly did not!

But this principle of paying yourself first really is the starting point and the cornerstone of all serious investors as generally there are no savings if you do not put some money away each time you are paid.

Now some people are great at budgeting but many are not. So the easiest way to start saving is to have a payment from your wage into an automatic bank account.

The idea, in a nutshell, is that you make saving your top priority. Before spending money on anything else, you take care of yourself by socking away money in a tax-deferred personal investment account.

The gains you made in week 1 will be re-invested and they will earn more money themselves in week 2 and so on, and that money itself will earn more money in week 3 and so on… And this just grows into what you call wealth.

Imagine generations upon generations of your money earning for you. And it all starts when you honor yourself enough to ensure that no matter what happens, you keep at least 10% of what you earn every week! You pay yourself first.

Now, the question is...

Are you saving and investing at least 10% of your income every week in high-return investment vehicles earning at least 10% - 40% compound interest annually?

If you answered no, then it will be very difficult to become wealthy.

If you answered yes, if you are indeed paying yourself first and investing that in high-returns investments, you are on the right way.

So what practical steps can you introduce to ensure you make a start?

Step 1: Set up an automatic deduction from your wage to a bank account and make it difficult to get this money out! 10% of your gross wage is a good guideline.

How to be a great investor now seems easy when you implement this 1 key critical life skill of saving 10% (or a portion of your wage or income you feel comfortable with) and putting it away automatically into a savings account or an appreciating investment vehicle.

How to be a great investor and to set up your family's future is now in your hands!


How to be a great investor resource...

Discover 2 simple rules (you must strictly follow) in order to discover hot and profitable trades which will double within 23 minutes of the market opening. For a hot selling investment resource on
How to Find Stocks Which Double

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How To Set Goals and Achieve What You Want

Here is the best
way to set goals and a vision for your future.

Let me summarize it here.

What is your clearly defined written down vision (ideal) of what you
want for 3-5 years from now?

You should do this in 1 area at a time starting with business,
health, family and relationships, spiritual, financial, intellectual.

But if goal setting is new for you I suggest just you focus only on business goals at first and go from there. List down your 3 top business goals right now for 3-5 years away.


You need to come up with at least 3 things for each area.
Start with business and complete your ideal end point or vision of 3-5 years from now.
BIG TIP: Do not worry now about HOW. Our purpose is to set
what we want - our ideal - our end point and work backwards.

Then do the same for 1 year away.

Then do the same for 90 days away.

Then using a 90 day sheet attached write all of this down and look at it every day. A 90 Day Plan simple lists down the actual activities you will take in the short term to achieve your longer term goal. It usually includes 8-12 key actions to undertake to achieve your goal.


Goal: To Increase the number of new clients in a month from 25 to 40 within 90 days.


1. Commit 3 hours per week every week implementing 1-2 items. Diarize at start of the week.

2. Start implementing direct mail campaign to geograhic area

3. etc

Finally the most important part....
Set these intentions (goals) as being real and achieved daily.
We use a process called
- Idealization
- Verbalization
- Visualization
- Materialization

In our business coaching franchise
company, we think about "intentions" instead. Intentions are the
things we "intend" to make happen, and by that imagining our
intentions as real, bring to bear all the resources and force of
will we have at our disposal.

We set intentions and focus our imagination -- making our
intentions real in our minds. This leads us to specific goals.
Which leads to game plans, which leads to actions. Which in turn
leads to results.

Did you catch that?

Set intentions and imagine them as real.

Which leads to goals.

Which leads to Game Plans

Which leads to Actions

Which leads to Results.

So, What are you going to make happen this year?
What results are you going to produce - for yourself, your
business, your family, your community?

Do you want to double your sales? Increase profits by just as
much? Maybe buy a new house, or a new car, or take a trip around
the world? Will you run a marathon, master downhill snowboarding,
or slim down and bulk up? Or maybe you will change the world, if
only a little bit.

No matter what your intentions are, here are a few questions to

Specifically, what are your intentions for the coming year? Answer
this in detail: how much or how many, and by when? And what will
those intentions look like, when realized?

How are you going to increase your personal power - the velocity
with which you turn your intentions into reality? (This is the real
measure of power, isn't it?)

What resources can you bring to bear to realize your intentions?

What things - if not dealt with - could stand in your way of
reaching your goals?

How are you going to get help?

Answering this last question could mean the difference between
success and failure, and I urge you to think about it seriously.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

5 Lucrative Legitimate Home Based Business Tactics To Make a Real Difference

5 Lucrative Legitimate Home Based Business Tactics

Big businesses who have succeeded always have an internal model
they follow to ensure continued growth. After many years coaching
small to medium enterprises having a system to succeed is imperative to

When you look at your own enterprise do you have a plan of attack, a system,
a methodology for growth? If the answer is no, which it is 90% of all small or
home businesses, this may account for the horrible statistic of 80%+ business failure
amongst ALL businesses in the first 5 years.

Here is a master system for any legitimate home based business to follow
to make an amazing difference to your bottom line profits.

Step 1: Create a vision of exactly what you want for 3-5 years and then 1 year from now.

Step 2: Work out the reason why (in writing) you want success. If you can only come up with 5 or less reasons this may inhibit your future growth as your motivation to succeed in this venture is not high.

Alternatively, you should aim to get 10-25 reasons why you want success in your business. Please do not miss this step. This is a great guide to your motivation. The more reasons why you can come up with the more you are likely to succeed in business/

Step 3: Create a specific goal for what you want 1 year and 90 days from now.

Step 4: Now the brilliant formula for those of you seeking growth.

Lead and enquiry generation:

List 3-5 marketing tactics to bring in enquiries to your legitimate home based business.
Example: Online website advertising, direct mail, phone calls to target list etc

Step 5: Conversion from prospect to a customer.
Now once you have an enquiry it is time to convert these people to your product or service.
List down 3-5 tactics to do so.
Example: Follow up every enquiry 100% of the time, create sales brochure to convey the benefits of what your organization does, have a multi step follow up process to educate your customer.

Step 6: Increase the average spend of each customer
List down 3-5 ways your business can increase the spend on average for each customer.
For example, train all sales people to have add-on questions for every product. Give the customer a checklist of all of your services before they make their final buying decision.

Step 7: Once they have purchased you must stay in touch with them over and over again.
This is probably one of the biggest business secrets there is. Stay in touch at least every 90 days but hopefully more frequently and watch your long term rate of repeat customers double and triple. Now many people have heard about this but few small business or home business operators actually implement it long term.

Step 8: Test and measure all the financials paying particular attention to increasing the profit margin and profit and loss. You should know your exact financial position daily.

Now simply put the written data from all of the above into a 9o day plan and spend 3-5 hours per week working on implementing these into your business. Like any legitimate home based business, following a system and having a clear vision for what you want is perhaps the most critical of all business skills.

For the world's best home business income building home study system which is currently 99% off it's normal price and has a complete no risk return policy you must visit here

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lucrative Business Marketing and Advertising

Lucrative Business marketing and advertising need not be tricky, expensive or hard to implement. I use a process of re-engineering for any home or small business to follow and it works like this.

Re-engineering and modelling is a very powerful method of working out what has worked for others in your exact same industry. After all there are millions of home and small businesses in the world. The fact remains that someone else probably does what you are doing. Therefore there are footprints to follow and clues to obtain to show us the way forward in our enterprise.

To repeat: someone somewhere is or has probably done the same or very similar business as you. Someone is showing you how to do your business marketing and advertising!

Modelling and re-engineering is simply the process of looking at what others have done or are doing now with their marketing, with their selling, their systems, their team, their finances. It's about looking at what business structure they have as well.

This is all pretty easy to do with the internet making research on any company comparatively simple. I often phone the company I research and become a member or subscriber to their newsletter to find out more about them. Therefore business marketing and advertising becomes straight forward when you have a potential model to follow.

But essentially, modelling involves copying or tweaking your strategy into a similar vain to the one which works elsewhere. Simple really. Now I would not suggest you copy blindly a strategy someone else similar to you is implementing. Just test it out. After all, marketing and business is ALL ABOUT getting the recipe right for your business.

Using another enterprise's business marketing and advertising structure and doing something similar is such a great idea.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

5 Lucrative Marketing Ideas for Small Business

Marketing Idea for Small Business.

Your marketing does not have to be difficult in your home or small business.

As a professional business coach I have successfully seen what happens when you understand a simple marketing system and apply it to your situation.

Great things happen when you follow this process I am about to divulge. Great things happen to your sales, your profitability and your enterprise.

OK so marketing idea for small business PART 1:
To be successful with marketing you need to think of it as a funnel.

The funnel consists of 5 simple parts and you need to ensure you have a strategy in each of these 5 areas. What are the 5 areas?

1. Lead or enquiry generation.

2. Conversion of this enquiry to a sale (Sales Technique)

3. Once the person is purchasing from us we need to ensure the sale is as big as possible so this area is called "Increasing average spend".

4. Once the person has bought from us we always need to ensure they will come back again and again so this area we call "Repeat Customer Transactions".

5. Finally you need to measure the profitability of the 4 steps above and measure it's success or otherwise. "Measure Profitability and Increase Margin."

Does this sound difficult? NO - most definitely NO. It is not difficult at all to track and implement tactics and strategy in these areas.

My suggestion is this. Pick out 8-12 strategies in the above 5 areas and simply list them down into a 1-2 page written 90 day plan. As humans, as soon as we start breaking big complex tasks down into smaller chunks our day and focus becomes easier.

So for example,

1. Lead generation could be direct mail, google adwords campaign for your business website and implement a referral program.

2. Conversion to sale could be to simply follow up 100% on all enquiries every time and to do some product training to be able to sell your product/ service more efficiently.

3. Increasing the average spend of each customer could be done by introducing a checklist of other add-on services at the time of the buying decision so the buyer gets a clear idea of what other affiliated products/ services might help them.

Asking add on questions every time as a person is making a decision is a great technique.

4. To get customers to come back again and again is as simple as staying in touch with them via newsletters, e-zines, letters after purchase, follow up phone calls.
Here is a great rule to follow and one of the best marketing ideas for small business.
Stay in touch with your clients every 30-90 days no matter what your business is. Do this and miraculous things happen.

Generally more referrals will result. You become top of mind for your current customers so they end up coming in more frequently. Sales and big profit increases invariably happen. This seems so simple but hardly any home business does this effectively probably because it is not an instant increase. It's more a nurturing relationship building strategy.

5. Increase profit margin strategy might mean you set a goal to increase your gross profit margin by a few per cent. Or it might mean increasing the prices on some of your services whereby hardly anyone will notice.

Follow this 5 step formula every 90 days in your business and watch big increases happen.
Marketing ideas for small business need not be difficult. Just follow a proven formula for success.
For one of the best home business building resource this year you must
click here. This famous "super consultant who charges $5000 an hour is offering you his business secrets at a daring 99% off, and he'll pay you - If you're not a believer making this purchase "risk free". Clich here for full details
